Two of my bloggy buddies,
Wep and
Heather, tagged me with this meme. I'm very slow with memes and awards, so don't be surprised if you tag me and it's been days and no response from me. I am just not a "deadline" sort of girl, m'kay?? I thought about adding some pictures to this post to make it lovely, but that would take me another few days.
4 things I did today:1. Went to church--late--very, very late. But hey, I went! I love our church! If you are looking for a church that is not too formal, yet still very scripture-based, I urge you to visit
Vineyard USA and see if there is a Vineyard Church in your community.
2. Booked a room for a resort in Wisconsin Dells next week! What could be more fun than an indoor waterpark in the fall? Although, I'm not looking forward to people's screams when my pasty-white thunder thighs enter the building...
3. Told my husband I thought he was the greatest for going over to mow the neighbor's lawn. The neighbor broke his leg two weeks ago and is still hopping around in a cast. Hubby had to mow our lawn today and decided to mow the neighbor's as well. What a sweet guy, huh?
4. Made an amazing cucumber salad for dinner. I can't take full credit--hubby suggested adding a few more ingredients other than just the cukes and onions. I cut large chunks of 2 cucumbers, 1 large tomato, 1 med onion, and 1/2 green pepper, poured a TON of pickling salt over it (1/3 cup), covered it with water and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. This crisps the cucumbers and takes the bite out of the onions (my Grammie Ella taught me this trick).
Dump out the salted water and lightly rinse the cucumbers and drain again. Then dump in 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/2 cup half & half, a 1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar (I use splenda) and 4 ounces of feta cheese crumbles. Oh, how I loves me some feta cheese!!! Then add pepper to taste and mix. If it is too sharp from the vinegar, try adding a little more sugar, 1/4 teaspoon at a time. If it's too sweet, add more vinegar in tablespoon increments.
4 things on my to do list:1. Make Tomato Preserves. The tomatoes in my CSA box were not very good, so I needed to do something with them. In fact, not much from my CSA was good this year. I will be finding a new farm next year. Preferably one that gives you vegetables instead of greens all year long. blech. By the way, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. You pay up front to buy a share of a local farm and each week you get a box of vegetables (or greens and corn in my case). To find a CSA near you for next year, check
Local Harvest2. Puree and freeze the pumpkin I roasted last night and roast the pumpkin seeds. Yummmm!!
3. Begin packing for our trip! The midget and I get to travel with her Daddy this week! Hubby has a work trip in Southern IL, so that gets us half-way to Oklahoma City, where my brother and his family live. His midget is six months older than mine, so we're taking them to get their pictures done together! I'm so excited! Then after we spend Sat-Mon there, we are headed to the Wisconsin Dells area! WA-HOOO!
4. Start and finish a sewing project for my niece. Hopefully, I'll finish before we leave on Thursday so I can bring it with instead of mailing it later. I don't have high hopes for this...
4 of my guiltiest pleasures1.
True Blood on HBO. This is a terrible show filled with vampires and lots of s-e-x. I can't believe I like watching such garbage! Maybe the vampires have mesmerized me and that's why I like it. Yeah, that's the ticket! I'm pretty sure I might go to h-e-double-hockey-sticks for watching it.
2. Swedish Fish. These are, hands down, my favorite candy of all time! If I could only pick one kind of candy to eat for the rest of my life, it would be Swedish Fish!
3. Dancing at clubs. I love to shake my non-existent booty like a mad-woman! The year before I got pregnant, I spent a lot of time in clubs with work friends. Who cares if my belly jiggles and I look like a dork?? It's so fun, I could care less!! If only my husband loved to dance, he'd be the perfect man. But then everyone would want him and I'd have to spend all my time fighting off the adoring women instead of only half the time now.
4. Facebook. Let's just say I spend way too much time on there for my own good. But how fun is it reconnecting with old friends?
4 random facts about me1. I was voted class clown in high school. Surprising, eh?
2. I drank coffee only occasionally until I got pregnant. Then it was a requirement every day. I had a hard time staying within my 8 oz of caffeine a day because I was SOOOO tired. Now I drink two cups a day. Two very,very large cups.
3. I still have the same email address I had when I first hopped on the internet twelve years ago. I don't plan on ever changing it. EVAH! In fact, I hate it when people switch emails frequently. It drives me bonkers trying to keep up with that!
4. I rarely get involved in anything that I'm not running in a few months. I guess I'm bossy, I'm the bi**h you all love to hate (bonus points for anyone that can name that artist).
4 bloggers I'm taggingI'm tagging some new bloggy friends I've met recently!
Theresa RChristianBridgetCoco