Despite my best intentions, I just couldn't help but go a little insane for Midget's Birthday dinner. When I realized that one Elmo cake wouldn't feed the number of people we were having over, I decided to make a second cake. But I couldn't just do a second Elmo cake or a round cake or cupcakes or anything that would be easy.
I decided to use the Elmo pan to make a Zoe cake. I had to do a little carving to make Zoe's nose out of Elmo's and I had to figure out a way to make her hair.
I think they turned out pretty good! Please excuse the crummy lighting. I took these pictures at 4:30 a.m. I have a sickness, people...

Oh my gosh, Carrie...those are fantastic!!!!
Awesome job!
So cute! Wanna do an elmo cake for my monsters birthday? LOL
THOSE are so amazing! You rock!
Super impressed! Those are awesome!
are you SERIOUS??? Those are amazing jawdropping awesome. Too amazing to eat.
Heavens To Pepsi! Please don't post the pics of those cakes being cut because it would break my heart. Those are GORGEOUS!!!
these are awesome! my daughter would love them!!!
Turned our pretty well?? Understatement of the year! Holy cow, woman; are you a professional baker?
Can you PLEASE tell me the tip you used to make the icing look like that???? I am using the suggested star tip on the directions that came with the pan but urs makes it look like actual fur! Do you remember what you used?
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