The one on the left is Henry, a beagle/dachshund mix. Full name--Henry Hanky Panky Snoopy Poopy Wiener. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body and is scared of everything. I tried to put out one of those bubbler water dishes, the ones that look like miniature human water coolers, so I wouldn't have to refill their dish everyday. But I ended up putting the regular dish back out because he nearly dehydrated himself because of his fear of the bubbles!
Lucy is the miniature dachshund on the right. Full name--Lucinda Stinker Doodle Noodle Wiener. She is nearly as hard-headed as I am and is a complete PIG!! Yesterday, I made sausage for breakfast. I didn't remember putting it away, but I couldn't find it. Lucy, whose legs are literally four inches long, had jumped up on the table and had snarfed down the rest of the sausage.
Ahh, I love my dysfunctional dogs...
You should TOTALLY be a professional dog namer.
OK,this was seriosuly one of the funniest things I have ever read, those names, I am almost in tears!
LOL those are the cutest weiners i have ever seen! great names too, better than my cats: Vincent van Carter Armstrong Fleabag and Princess Sophie Consuela Banana Hammock Fluffbucket
so is this the give-a-way you eluded to on Tuesday? if so, i really want to win! haha
My Grandmother had dogs like these. They were FIERCE when strangers came up. They may be small but they could growl and bare their teeth like they were going to snatch your legs off!
You and Wifey are seriously creative in the name department!!
those dogs are the cutest things ever. it makes me think that perhaps, I might possibly want a dog. maybe.
lol at dehydration cuz of the bubbles :)
Those are some cute poopies!!!
I love the name cute. I love dogs with personality!
Cute poopies! Their names are pretty bomb too! LOL
OMG TOOOOO CUTE! I love hot dog dogs.
i am sooo in love with the dogs and their names.
they are really precious...i see why ur proud!
i am dying laughing (trying not to wake up the baby since i'm at church in training...well, that's another story) about the bubbler dish. toooooooo funny!
Aww they are adorable!
Henry is SO handsome. I'm thinking about forgetting my crush on Matthew McConaughey - there' a new man in town!
Dog people ROCK.
Thanks for stopping by to show your support for "The Rose". Vet said 3 more days of stitches!
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