Okay, so I seriously have this "I can do anything" complex, which is frustrating for my husband. Since I always have a project going, I can always find a reason to put off cleaning! Tonight's example is no different. In fact, while talking to my sweetie earlier today, I mentioned that I was going to clean both the bathrooms tonight while the midget was taking her afternoon nap. He complained about them this weekend, but I say, what's wrong with super-grody toilets?? Instead of cleaning the bathrooms, I was rolling sushi!!
On our honeymoon, waaaaay back in 1997, my brand-spankin-new husband and I went to a sushi restaurant called
Sukiyaki House in Banff, Canada. Having never eaten sushi, we had no idea what we would like. Even with the prospect of being completely corny, we ordered the Love Boat! When it came out, the entire restaurant stared at us! I tried every single kind of sushi on that ridiculously HUGE wooden boat. I made it through most of it, although not caring for any of it, but when I got to the raw squid... Well, let's just say, I can't believe I didn't
ralf everywhere! When I bit down on it, it immediately turned to goo and then began to firm back up as I chewed. AAAAAACCCCKKKK!! It still gives me the iggles when I think about it eleven years later!
Anyway, I bought all my supplies about a year ago (I think I spent about $15 at the asian market) and there they sat--until this evening, when I needed yet another excuse to avoid cleaning! Actually, I started last night by cooking the sushi rice, but I got too hungry to try doing it. So look at my very first California Roll! I'm pretty impressed with myself!

By the way, the winner of the 100th post giveaway is...

Briana Almengor of
Pleasant Places!! Go stop by her blog and congratulate her!!
You didn't think I'd forgotten, did you??
Back to sushi! I LOVE sushi, but only the non-raw fish kind, which I suppose classifies me as an
imitation-sushi-eater. The raw fish thing doesn't gross me out at all, but I ABHOR the texture of raw fish. I have tried nearly every kind of raw fish/ocean creature out there, but still have yet to find one I like. My favorite roll is the Dragon Roll, which has barbecued eel (cooked) on it.
And now, in classic
Kat fashion (who I'm going to guest inquisit for the first week in December and need some practice, and yeah, I know
inquisit isn't a word), tell me, do you eat sushi? If you don't, why not? If you do, what's your favorite? Are you fluent in chopsticks?? Are you interested in seeing me do a tutorial so you can roll your own sushi?