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Boomama's Christmas Tour of Homes
Hooked on Houses Hooked on Holiday House Tours
Thrifty Decor Chick's Christmas Tree Par-tay
Southern Hospitality's Deck the Halls
Tip Junkie's Virtual Tour of Homes Holiday Edition
Kimba at A Soft Place to Land is having a Holiday Open House
The Lazy Organizer is having Talk About Tuesday
Melissa at The Inspired Room is having a Let it Snow Holiday Linky
The hubby is in charge of decorating outdoors, so this is all his handiwork.

My husband made this beautiful Nativity from a pattern he bought online. I ADORE IT!! You'll see I have a thing for Nativities. I never EVER want to forget why we celebrate on December 25th--my Lord and Savior was born on this day!! It is the most important birthday we celebrate every year!

When you walk in my house, you are greeted by the Candy Cane Tree, in its new spot. A red & white candy cane striped Welcome sign hangs underneath.

The stairs are wrapped in silver garland with candy canes and evergreen garland.

The Music Room houses the Keepsake Tree this year (to keep Midget from destroying the tree and presents).

This Manger is an early memory of mine growing up. I remember playing with the porcelain baby Jesus as a little girl, which is probably why some of its fingers are broken! Now I will have to keep Midget's fingers off of it too, which is why it is sitting on top of the piano!

I can't say I love the placement of the Stockings this year. But you'll see why they aren't up on the mantle in just a few pictures!

This "present" covers up four large shelves on our built-in Entertainment Center. The hubby plans to make something to cover up the shelves so they look less messy. For now, this was SUPER easy! Hubby and I just cut a piece of cardboard to the right length and width. I wrapped one side of it and we stuck it up with Command Strips.

This is our mantle this year. I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, but it still turned out beautifully (Aubrey, next year I'll hire your hubby to make me the exact vinyl decal of what I want, but I couldn't get my "stuff" together early enough--big surprise). I bought this beautiful Nativity while I was in college. The Angel is a tree topper, but I think it works well with the set. The stars are ornaments that are tacked up with teeny tiny nails.

I hope you've enjoyed your tour of our Christmas decorations! If you're visiting from other sites, please take a look around and subscribe or follow my blog if you like what you see! I'd be glad to have you back anytime! Don't forget to leave me a comment, because I LOVE knowing who visited! I'll come by and say hi to you!
Oh! I love the way the tree looks at the top of the stairs. That's a great place for it. And again, I love the "romantic" tree. I also like your mantle...very pretty!
Thanks for visiting with me!
awesome decorations! i just love the fact that you have a music room in your house. how fancy is that? :0)
Very pretty! My mom's got a thing for Nativities too. There are two or three she keeps up year-round.
Now that "Present" is a good idea. Your husband also did a great job with the Nativity cut-out!
Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!
Lovely, my dear!
I just got my first Nativity this year. It will always be a very special one, as this was the year I was saved and baptized! I have seen many others that I just love and plan to buy myself an actual set, as the one I was gifted is only a five piece set. No creche or anything. I will take photos and post them soonly.
You have a beautiful home! I especially love your silhouette nativity in your yard! I love nativities, too.
Merry Christmas!
Your house looks great. I loved the tour. Hope you don't mind, but I'm am SO going to borrow this idea. Hopefully I'll have a tour of my own up in a day or two.
Pretty decorations. My favorite is the candy cane tree at the top of the stairs.
Loved the tour of your decorated home! I giggle every time I see your candy cane tree; it's so cute!
You are just temping your poor little girl too much with putting the porceline baby Jesus where she can reach it. ;>
Covering the shelf as a present was an awesome idea! I love that.
Everything is so beautiful...and you've got my vote on 12/20. Provided that you can remind me. :}
LOVE that Nativity! GOOD job!
ENJOY the Season!
I love that upstairs tree! Thanks for sharing with us. Merry Christmas
Everything is beautiful.
I love the Candy Cane tree and the baby Jesus.
Merry Christmas!!!
The nativity set your hubby made is AWESOME! What did you do to inspire him to make that for you?! ;)
I love all of our Christmas decorations...your home is all decked out and ready to go for the big day!
I love it! It all looks so beautiful. Well done!!!!!
So now I feel like an inadequate failure at Christmas. Thanks a lot. But I can still say that your place looks amazing anyway.
Thanks for sharing your home! Kudo's to you and your husband!
I lurve lurve lurve your candy cane tree!
love the nativity!!!! and the mantle...ok, and all of it!
SOOO Pretty :-)
I love all your decorations. I need to post about why we have none. So I'll just have to live vicariously through you and all the other house tours!
They look great - came over from Kimba's. yep - we have a fancy tree to. :)
Love the trees! God Bless you during the holiday season.
Your home looks great all decked out! Your trees are lovely. Have a Merry Christmas!
I love all of your decorations~they are absolutely adorable.
Make sure you come by and enter my Friday giveaway.
very pretty! thanks for the tour! I love the outdoor nativity and the tree at the top of the stairs...it's stunning!
loved the mantle, and baby jesus on the piano. and the outside nativity. you have done a beautiful job.
I love - love the candy cane tree. I had been thinking what would you do with a white colored tree, now I know! Let me at those after Christmas sales!
beautiful! i just love your trees! and would also love to know where you got the nativity pattern? - i think it's gorgeous!
How pretty it all is! Thanks for playing along with my party too.
Merry Christmas!
I like your candy cane tree. Mine is a candy tree that is on an all red tree. Yours is in such a great spot! Thanks for sharing
That candy cane tree is so cool. Princess is getting a pink tree for her room this year so I can't wait to see what she does with it.
You have a clever husband. I loved the beautiful baby Jesus. I would keep Him safe up high too! Thanks for sharing.
I love your porcelain baby Jesus! Your nativities are beautiful! I have a formal tree and a casual "family" tree as well! I am now thinking that I need to add a third tree, a candy cane one! Merry Christmas
I love the Candy Cane tree! You're house looks great and your decorations are beautiful. :)
Your husband MADE that nativity? That fabulous, elegant, classy, gorgeous, outdoor nativity??????
My stars!
It is wonderful, Carrie. You are blessed by that man, indeed.
wow carrie. you guys have been sooo busy!! looks amazing! merry christmas!
Everything looks GREAT! Wow. What a lovely home!
I'll be looking out for that email!
Oh your house is so pretty!
I love you candy cane tree! SOOOO CUTE!
I love the candy cane tree and all the rest of your decorations. I love even more that you totally do this for THE reason for the season ... Jesus!
Merry Christmas!
The nativity thtat your husband made and your merry Christmas mantel are so beautiful. Missed you while I was on the road...glad to be back!
CArrie, those decoarations were beautiful. Yoru nativity scene was classy, simple and gorgegous. You two trees each unique and beautiful. Thank you for sharing your spirit!!!!!!
Great decorations!! I love that you can put 2 trees up, and they both look fabulous!!
Love the decorations! I love that your hubby did all that work, especially the nativity scene! How thoughtful of him! :)
Wow - - - what a good word!!! I give you an A+ for vocabulary.
I really love the lighted full size tree on the landing at the top of your stairs. I'd have never thought of that.
Merry Christmas and thanks so much for inviting us all in to share the season with you.
Wow, I love your nativity! And both your trees are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!
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