Angie is an amazing photographer and has inspired me to take better pictures and see things differently than I did before. Of course, my pictures still suck, but at least they suck a little less than they did before! When you go see her post about our meeting, you will be treated to gorgeous photos of Midget and all of Angie's adorable little rugrats! You also get to see her lovely face and my super pasty skin. I'm actually a little pissed at her for not photoshopping a tan on me! C'mon Ang!! Put those mad skillz of yours to good use and make me a bronze goddess!! While you're at it--could you pretty please take another 10 lbs off of me in our picture? Preferably in the boobage area. Thankyouverymuch.
We decided to meet at a park where all the kids could play and we could capture some good shots. Well, where she could capture some good shots and I could take 90% of my photos in the wrong setting and give them all a blue tinge. Please also pay no attention to the fact that we met in the middle of July and it is now almost September! I told y'all I've been crazy busy!!
Angie's husband Bill, aka Sweatiepy, didn't come along and I'm convinced he was afraid I was going to lay the sarcasm smack down on him! Next time, you'd better bring it Billy Boy!
Midget and Weslea were instant friends and I've decided to bring Wes along with me on all future solo trips with Midge!

Of course, Midget was equally enamored with Angie and made herself right at home in Angie's lap.
Will and Wyatt spent most of the time like this:

And I got to meet the love of my life--WESTON! Oh geez, I love this kid!!
How do you ever say no to this face, Angie???