Here's a quick tour of our Christmas Decorations! There are a million Christmas Home Tours that I'll be participating in just for fun!
Go Visit:
Christmas Tour of HomesHooked on Houses
Hooked on Holiday House ToursThrifty Decor Chick's
Christmas Tree Par-taySouthern Hospitality's
Deck the HallsTip Junkie's
Virtual Tour of Homes Holiday EditionKimba at A Soft Place to Land is having a
Holiday Open HouseThe Lazy Organizer is having
Talk About TuesdayMelissa at The Inspired Room is having a
Let it Snow Holiday LinkyThe hubby is in charge of decorating outdoors, so this is all his handiwork.

My husband made this beautiful Nativity from a pattern he bought online. I ADORE IT!! You'll see I have a thing for Nativities. I never EVER want to forget why we celebrate on December 25th--my Lord and Savior was born on this day!! It is the most important birthday we celebrate every year!

When you walk in my house, you are greeted by the
Candy Cane Tree, in its new spot. A red & white candy cane striped Welcome sign hangs underneath.

The stairs are wrapped in silver garland with candy canes and evergreen garland.

The Music Room houses the
Keepsake Tree this year (to keep Midget from destroying the tree and presents).

This Manger is an early memory of mine growing up. I remember playing with the porcelain baby Jesus as a little girl, which is probably why some of its fingers are broken! Now I will have to keep Midget's fingers off of it too, which is why it is sitting on top of the piano!

I can't say I love the placement of the Stockings this year. But you'll see why they aren't up on the mantle in just a few pictures!

This "present" covers up four large shelves on our built-in Entertainment Center. The hubby plans to make something to cover up the shelves so they look less messy. For now, this was SUPER easy! Hubby and I just cut a piece of cardboard to the right length and width. I wrapped one side of it and we stuck it up with Command Strips.

This is our mantle this year. I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, but it still turned out beautifully (
Aubrey, next year I'll hire your hubby to make me the exact vinyl decal of what I want, but I couldn't get my "stuff" together early enough--big surprise). I bought this beautiful Nativity while I was in college. The Angel is a tree topper, but I think it works well with the set. The stars are ornaments that are tacked up with teeny tiny nails.

I hope you've enjoyed your tour of our Christmas decorations! If you're visiting from other sites, please take a look around and subscribe or follow my blog if you like what you see! I'd be glad to have you back anytime! Don't forget to leave me a comment, because I LOVE knowing who visited! I'll come by and say hi to you!