Just thought I'd share quickly the newest picture of me and Midget, which show the new sassy glasses. My other sweet glasses got a ginormous scratch right in my line of sight. I'll get the lenses replaced, but I got these so cheap, I couldn't pass them up!

Midget's 2nd birthday is on Saturday and we are having a few people over for dinner. I didn't want to do a party because I get all crazy and go overboard with everything, but my friend Stacey was adamant that I'd better have one because she wanted to come! So we are doing burgers and dogs on the grill and I'm making a cake. It's been super hard for me not to do a zillion activities, games, goodie bags, etc.! At this point, there's just no need to go crazy. When she can invite her own little friends over, I'll do a few more special things.
So, off I go to clean. I'm such a procrastinator, it isn't even funny!