Sunday, November 9, 2008

Some Bloggy Love I Don't Deserve

While out on Quilting/Cranberry hiatus, I was bestowed with three awards. THREE awards given to me three weeks ago, people, and I still couldn't get my stuff together to post these! I am quite appreciative of these ladies, I swear! Thank you so much for thinking of me!

This first award was bestowed upon me by Heather at Nobody But Yourself.

As part of this award, I have to tell you things that make me happy.
-My goofy, sweet, adorable, husband, whom I couldn't live without
-The sweet giggles and melt-my-heart smiles of my gorgeous baby girl
-The fact that all four of my siblings and I not only love each other, but we actually like being around each other
-The snuggly stubbornness and wiggly butt walking of my Lucy Wiener
-The excessive licking and innate sweetness of Henry Wiener
-Talking with good friends, whether in person, on the phone, through email, or in that little comment box
-Cooking good food
-The love of my Lord

I could really go on forever, as there are so many things that make me happy!

Now to award a few bloggers who are creative with a capital K!
Christian at Who Would've Thought It, who is so crafty and Margaret from Nanny Goats in Panties who manages to be funny without the cynical bad attitudes of so many other humor bloggers out there.

My BBFF (Best Bloggy Friend Forever) Deanna from Deanna's Corner gave me the next two awards.

Now to award some Superior Scribblers!
Kat from Sunshine and Lemonade, who not only writes extremely well, but gets others to write like no other blogger I've ever seen and Miss Vivian from Conservative Belle. I'm so incrediby jealous of her ability to write so eloquently about politics!

And finally, I'd like to present this award to Bar-b of I Heart 2 Girls who always makes me giggle (if we lived near each other, I know we'd hang out on the deck, guzzling froofy drinks and laughing our butts off while the kids were napping), Teresa R of Life, Homesteading, and Everything, who always says the nicest things and who makes the coolest soaps, and finally to Dr-Wifey, who is the sweetest person and has cats with the coolest names ever!

Ladies, I am so glad I've met you and thank you all for your friendship! Now go visit these ladies and leave them some comment love!


  1. I just came to tell you that I must have your blue glasses. Or some like 'em. Your profile picture makes me smile!

  2. thank you!!! i feel so honored to have been given this award by YOU! wish we lived closer together because we would totally have some good times together :)

  3. Congrats on all the love! You deserve it bloggy friend!!!!

  4. Congrats on the awards--and they ARE well deserved! You're fantastic!

  5. Thank you, Carrie. I'm honored by your kind words and appreciate the link love! I shall put this up on my trophy case, unless you feel you need to take it away because of my cynical bad attitude on today's post!

  6. congrat's to you and all bloggers... very awesome awards.

  7. Awww...thank you so very much. And to give it to me while I have been so disconnected (you would NOT believe the number of posts I have listed in reader. That bold print number is mocking me)really means a lot.

    And that you think I am a great writer (which I certainly do not profess to be) - and what do you mean I get others to write??

    Thank you so much for the award. Really!

  8. Good morning SexPot! Thanks for the award :) It is so nice to wake up to one of those (amongst other things). Big Bloggy Kisses to you!

  9. Another one? Really? I am flattered, and thankful! BTW, you deserve the award for the quilt AND all your other stuff, baking, your blog tutorials...

    And yes, it was Dr. Laura as in "my husband's girlfriend." She was pretty good.

  10. Thanks for the award. Sorry I've been sucking at reading and commenting lately and I'm soooo far behind. Thanks again for the blog love.


  11. I say the nicest things? You obviously have not been talking to my kids who will gladly tell you what a mean person I am! ;D

    Thanks for the Friendship Award and the compliment! I'm so glad to have "met" you, because, and I think I've already said this before, you've certainly brightened my blogging world!


Come on! Share the comment crack with this junkie! I need my fix!