Friday, November 7, 2008

Oh Joy!

My 100th post is only THREE posts away!! And you know what that means, don't you?? That's right!! Cheez Doodles and Rubik's Cubes! Or maybe a fantabulous GIVEAWAY!!

Check back or subscribe to get the skinny on this FAT giveaway...


  1. cheese doodles! yummo! i can't wait!!! and i stinking love her excitement...perfect pic!!!

  2. Midget is so stinkin' cute!!!! congrats on your 100th post - can't wait for the giveaway :)

  3. Oh I'll be back! And what a cute picture!

  4. OK. First off, I totally need to squeeze those loveable cheeks! Way too cute!!!!

    Secondly, way to go on almost 100 posts! I'll be checking in on that giveaway! Fun stuff!

  5. wow that is exciting! I would whip out three really quick!

  6. How perfect I should be reading this right now, as the fingers of my left hand are orange from Cheez Doodle dust/crumbs. (*urp* Excuse me - hey, at least it isn't more Halloween candy!)

    I'm at 199 posts and in a total brain freeze about what to do. I did the 100 things for my 100th post, and I don't think I could come up with 200 more, so I've got to do something else..... eeeek!

    Oh, and the Midget is looking especially adorable in this pic, by the way! :D

  7. May I win a hug from Midget??! She is way beyond cute!!

    Woohoo...nearly 100 posts! I have no idea how many I've written. I can't keep track of my own 2 kids...*sigh*

    Thank you, Carrie!! for the link you sent me! That was the most adorable craft! I'm tempted to try it (once I get all my November commitments out of the way...why is Nov so darned busy?). You're a love to think of me!

  8. Congrats on almost being at 100 posts!

    Is this your little gal? She is absolutely adorable!

  9. Cute outfit and congrats on your almost 100th post!!!

  10. That's the perfect picture for a post titled, "Oh Joy!" Indeed.

  11. Oh Joy 100th post date, and a give me.. congrats on 100

  12. I am caught up! And that means that your next post will be a give away. I wanna win a give away!

  13. This picture makes me feel a smile deep inside! You should have this on the front of your fridge, if you don't already. What a cutie!


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