Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait...

First, here's the belly at 38 weeks. It took a very patient photographer to capture this shot, as I was SO nervous to do a nekkid belly picture for the world to see. I'm super happy with this though!!

After 38 weeks of a blissfully normal pregnancy, last Friday at my regular OB check up, my blood pressure was a little on the high side, but low enough that they asked me to come back in a few days. Monday, it was high enough that they sent me straight to the hospital for monitoring. After it stayed high, they decided they wanted to admit me later that evening and start the induction process. AAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKK!!! I was almost two full weeks overdue with Midget, so why on earth would I have everything ready to go two weeks BEFORE my due date???

They let me go home at about 2 p.m. and asked that I be back between 6 and 7 p.m. I scrambled to get everything together, as the only thing I had done previously was to set up the bassinette. No labor bag, no overnight bag, no bag packed for Midget, no plans for the Wieners, and worst of all--UNPAINTED TOENAILS!! " )

I rushed around and got everything together (minus the painted toenails, but I packed polish in my labor bag--hey a girl's gotta have priorities, right) and reported to the hospital at 7:05 p.m. because I can't ever be on time for anything. They checked me in and put in a prostaglandin tape to thin my cervix and I was to settle in overnight for some rest so they could start the pitocin at 9 a.m.

I had a pretty restful evening in the hospital and managed to sleep most of the night, except when they had to come in to readjust the fetal monitors each time I moved. In the morning, my blood pressure had normalized to the point that the doctor decided to send me home on modified bedrest. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???

It is a good thing, as I was hoping to not be induced, but it's funny how I was happily enjoying these last few weeks of one Midget until I got it in my head that I had no choice but to be ready for two. Now, this baby can't come fast enough! I've served Peanut several eviction notices, but he or she is partying it up in my belly while I have to sit around and do almost nothing!!

On the plus side, the hubby is getting a crash course in being my domestic b*tch...


  1. Oh, your poor husband! HA!

    L.O.V.E. the nekkid belly pic. I want one!!!!!!

    Sounds like it will be soon! My bouncy baby is NOT allowed out until after September 10. I have my reasons, but let's just say I'm sooo not ready (meaning my house is a wreck).

  2. Very artful preggy belly photo: you look just like Demi Moore on the cover of Vanity Fair (I think that's the mag she was one that caused a stir). ;)

    My first was a week late, and my second was 3 weeks early, and they've been like that ever since.

    Now you have time to paint your toe're so silly...LOL!

  3. I can't wait to see your pics of your sweet little Peanut.

    Your belly pic is so great! My belly was never that pretty.

  4. What a nice belly photo. I can't believe they sent you back home!!

  5. Well at least you got a lovely night's stay in the fabulous hospital resort!!! :)
    I am barely 20 weeks, I have a LONG trek ahead still. Wish you well with your new addition as soon as she arrives.
    And i LOVE your belly photo! :)

  6. Congrats on the 2nd baby. I remember how restless I was the last month of my pregnancy. I was betting money I wouldn't go full term. And I did. I found your blog looking for instructions on how to make a blog button. Thanks! I posted with a link back to you. I have a kids clothing swap business so if your #2 is a boy you may want to swap her old clothes for stuff for him I hope you have an easy delivery! Take care.

  7. That's a wonderful photo! I'm guessing that by now you've had Peanut and I hope you and the new one are doing well.


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