Monday, October 19, 2009


I've been a bit slow at posting the last few weeks for two reasons.

1. Midget decided to throw a Little People giraffe at my laptop and busted my LCD screen. Thankfully, I purchased the full service plan through Best Buy, so I didn't have to pay to get my screen replaced. I did have to live without my computer for three full weeks. At times, I'd find myself sitting on the couch with my arms raised. It was like I had a phantom laptop!

2. I went to visit a friend (sans hubby and Midget) in Washington D.C.!! Unfortunately, it was cold and rainy nearly the entire time, so most of my pictures turned out crummy. We had a great time anyway--soaking boots and all!


  1. Do you know how close DC is to me? Well do you?? Sheesh.

    It's okay, I will forgive you.

  2. Same here. I'm only 35 miles SW of it. That's ok though...we been sick here. That weather...musta been last week sometime....


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