Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Camera, New Hair

Those of you who follow me on Twitter already have heard these two pieces of news. Those of you who don't--why wait for blog posts full of nonsense, when you can have little bits and pieces of nonsense from me ALL DAY???

1. I found a brand new Canon EOS Rebel XT with an 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 lens on clearance at Wal-Mart for $299. Can you say MEGA-SCORE???? I'm going to sell my Powershot SX10IS and should be able to recoup nearly all the money we spent on it!

2. I got bored on Saturday and decided to go platinum blonde. Wow! What a process! I've done two bleachings and a light blonde toner and I'm still not done yet. If I have any hair left and my scalp isn't one big scab when I reach the true platinum shade I want, it will be a miracle.

What do you think??


  1. I used to go blonde. Got tired of the upkeep. Now I go a reddish-brown. A tad less upkeep and it goes well with my Leo personality.

  2. Jealous of the camera, and LOVE the blonde - can't believe you're going to go even lighter, it looks fantastic already!! :)

  3. how much lighter can you go?? I go that light sometimes, but I don't think I will again. I'll go for a darker blonde - closer to natural.

  4. You did that yourself?? Everytime I try and go lighter my hair turns orange. So. Um. I don't even go there anymore.

    And the camera - wow! I love mine - it is a Faboolas camera.

  5. I love it, love it, love it!!!

  6. The hair looks great!! I have a Canon Rebel XS and I LOVE it! You will, too!

  7. wow, I like it, but I want to see it with your face!

  8. wowza on the hair!!! (the camera, too, I must say!)

    you are so brave to keep going, though...but I suppose you would look adorable bald as well ;)

  9. Shut Up! I've got to get to Walmart!! I've been drooling over the brand new Rebel with HD video.

    And the hair... Wow! Now that you're a blonde bombshell and have a fancy smancy camera, you'll me having lots of fun! :-)

  10. You go girl!! I have dyed mine every color known to man, mu hubby just dreams of me staying one color for a year!!

  11. Rawr! You go girl! I'm loving the new look. And you know I have camera envy. Always.

    I'm thinking about taking my blonde streak red for a little while and seeing how I like it.

  12. i have the same camera and paid that much for it used! love the hair. i would NEVER be brave enough to go blonde!


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