Thursday, April 2, 2009

Our First 5K Race

Midget and I walked our first 5K race together a few weekends ago!

When my friend asked me to go, she mentioned facepainting and beer. I never really thought we were actually going to be IN the race. I just thought we were going downtown to hang out and drink beer.

I was pretty nervous about it, as I haven't done a 5k in a looooooong time and I was skinny the last time! But, it was pretty easy and I plan on doing quite a few more (as long as there is the promise of beer at the end hehe).

By the way, we didn't finish last. We were pretty close though...


  1. looks like you had a great time - midget, not so much! she doesn't look very happy in that first picture LOL

  2. I havent done a walk like that in years. I managed to go the whole way though. Even though I was the slowest in our store, I still managed to come in before a majority in some of our sister stores, which was great considering how woefully outta shape I was.

  3. you are looking good girlie! and midget is so cute, of course!

  4. Yeah, I hate to say it, but I probably would have sat on the sidelines and drank the beer, BUT good for you and your friends. :) hehe!

  5. Woo hoo! Rock on sister! Midget looked like she was enjoying herself!

  6. Kudos to you...I'd love to do one! If I can ride in the stroller....LOL!

  7. It looks like that was sponsored by Red Bull? I might have needed a few of those to get through 5K! Way to go, girlfriend.

  8. i am skinny, and don't think i could do it! WAY TO GO!

  9. Based on that ear to ear grin Midget has she doesn't seem to care what place you come in! That is too cute!

  10. Good for you :) I can't wait to do my 5K with Olivia next month :)

  11. Go you!!!! I love doing things like that on a beautiful morning in town! And so cool you did it with your little gal there!!!! Funny you thought you were just going to be hanging out!

  12. Yeah Carrie!! That's awesome that you did this. :)


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