Saturday, December 20, 2008

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Well, I sure hope so! My computer took a giant crap on me and all my attempts to resurrect it have been unsuccessful. I guess I'll have to go to Geek Squad and see what they have to say.

I am missing an entire month's worth of pictures, videos, documents, etc. in my backup files. I thought they were backed up on the external hard drive and deleted them. I am sick to my stomach. UGH! So all of you out in bloggyland--GO BACK UP YOUR FILES! RIGHT NOW!!

If I have to pay $100 for one month of files, I'm going to scream!

So for now, I bid you all adieu and will hopefully be posting again soon.

Sympathetic niceties would be appreciated. Please tell me I'm not an idiot and that everything will be okay.

p.s. Yes, I'm a total drama queen... You know you love me anyway. " )


  1. You are not a drama queen. Losing a months worth of pictures is DEVASTATING! I'm surprised you're still able to sit upright.

    Good luck!!!! And the casserole offer still stands!

  2. You are not a drama queen, nor are you an idiot. Everything will be just fine.

    It's all good.

    Imma go back up my files now.

    And yeah, I do love you anyway. :D

  3. Awww hang in there. That stinks! Back up to CDs or DVDs. I backed up to a portable HD once, and then IT failed. Grrrr...

  4. Admit it! You spilled a cup of eggnog on your keyboard, didn't you??!!??!!

  5. You are so totally not an idiot and I would be FREAKING OUT if I were you! That is completely awful. I am going to go pull out my external harddrive and start backing up my files right now.

    Your poor thing! :0(

  6. Oh man that sucks! I hope they can find you files (and for cheaper than you're expecting!!)

  7. This happened to me a few years ago. I lost my daughter's first months of photos, first christmas and my son's birthday. I'm still sick about it. Now I have something that does an auto backup and several external hard drives. So sorry this happened. Maybe they can retrive your files. Mine were totally wiped out!

  8. i'm a flipping sick thinking about you losing those files! hubs is a computer engineer and he has saved us more than fact, we do hourly back ups on all our files...because one time the computer fried. live and learn...and best of luck. booo though. a big fat boooo

  9. That happened to me a few years ago. It was horrible. I was really good at backing stuff up for a while, but then I got out of the habit.

    Good luck!!! Hope you're able to enjoy your holidays!!!!

  10. I NEVER back up....that is not to say that I have never had a problem. Just to say that it takes more than a 2x4 smacked against my head 4 times for me to learn anything...

  11. I think we love you because you ARE a drama queen! LOL!

    You are absolutely not an idiot (but you knew that already; you just wanted to hear us say it) because I'll bet you 8 out of 10 people out there don't remember to back up their files. Yes, I'm in that grp.

  12. You are not a drama queen - I'd be pissed too but it will be ok. Shit happens with computers and we all have a love/hate relationship with them.

    This post reminded me to back up my thanks.


    Christa at

  13. OMG! That stinks. I hate computer problems. I lost a bunch of pictures a couple years ago and now am a freak about backing up them up! I must be a drama queen too!

  14. Okay. It's a sign. This is the third blog I've read in a few days that talks about computer crashes. I have got to get my live in tech support to back up my pictures. Tonight.

  15. Wow, Carrie. You must feel like you're missing a major body part...ugh!!! I'll miss your witty blog posts. Take lots of notes of all the stuff you need to share with us when you get back online.

  16. I have no words to express my condolences. I hope you're back soon and that everything is okay.

  17. Your tree is one of the finalists in the Tip Junkie Christmas Tree Contest.

    Be sure to ask your readers to vote for you. {{wink}}



Come on! Share the comment crack with this junkie! I need my fix!