Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ah Shoot!

I looked at the counter wrong, so the NEXT post will be the 100th! I'll have it up by tonight!! Until then, here is a super-cute pic of the midget to tide you over!


  1. hi midgie! sooo precious! i love those chubs on the cheeks...just like me!

  2. Squeal!!!! She looks just like you. Sooooo adorably cute!

  3. And super cute it is. Wait...more like FLIPPIN ADORABLE. She's gorgeous Carrie!

  4. she has the prettiest eyes and, OH those eyelashes!!

  5. You can't show enough cute photos of Midget to satisfy us! ;)

  6. OH I AM SOOOOO SORRY. Did you not see that I wrote that at 3 this morning. I WILL FIX IT!

    I feel so horrible.
    I apologize.

  7. WOW!! You are right, they do look alike!! She is adorable!! Tanks for checking my blog out, it is mostly for my family and friends to stay updated on the kids, but I do post some of the deals I win or hear about and sport your wonderful button :)


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