Monday, October 13, 2008

A Very Quick GIVEAWAY!!!!

I'm feeling generous today, so I'd like to give away some of my formula checks and coupons! I know many of my readers don't have little ones, but I'm posting this giveaway to Money Saving Mom and The "Cent"sible Sawyer in hopes that a few readers will be able to take advantage of these very generous money savings! For confidentially purposes, my name has been photoshopped out of these posted pictures.

I actually have TWO quick giveaways!! Yaaaaay!!!


I have three Nestle Good Start checks good on any Good Start Formula, $11, $8, and $1. The $8 check expires on 11/1 and the others expire on 12/15. I also have a $3 off any 1 Natural cultures formula 24 oz. or larger Manufacturer's Coupon that can be used in conjunction with one of the checks (exp 12/7). That's a total of $23 in savings!!


I have two Enfamil Next Step (specifically designed for babies & toddlers aged 9-24 months) Lipil formula checks One for $4 on any ready to use Next Step formula only and one for $5 for any Next Step Lipil formula. Both checks expire 10/31. In addition, I have two Manufacturers coupons for $5 off any 1 can, any size, of Enfamil Lipil Powder. You could use a coupon in conjunction with the $5 check and save yourself $10 off ONE can!! In many cases, you could get your can for FREE!! That's $19 of total savings!!

STOP THE PRESSES!! I just received a catalina manufacturer's coupon for Enfamil Lipil buy one can of powder (any size up to $13.85) and get one FREE!!!! I will add this to the Enfamil giveaway, bringing the total up to nearly $33 in total savings!

So how do you win??? It's simple!!!
Leave me a comment telling me whether you'd like the Nestle bundle or the Enfamil Next Step bundle by Thursday 10/16 at 11:59 p.m. I will use to choose the winner and announce on Friday morning.

Please, one comment per person only and be sure to leave your email address or blog address so I can contact you on Friday morning. Due to the fast upcoming expiration dates, you will only have until midnight on Friday to respond to me with your address or I will need to have choose a new winner on Saturday morning.

Good Luck! Please take a look around my blog and subscribe if you like what you see!!

I'm looking forward to meeting you all!!


  1. Obviously I have no babies, but I can't resist the opportunity to say HEY!

  2. I can use for my baby girl, she is only 6 months.
    Count me in, thanks

  3. I could use the Nestle coupons for my baby boy. Thanks!!

  4. My little girl uses the Enfamil. Thank you so much for this giveaway!

  5. I would love to have the Enfamil Bundle every little bit helps!


Come on! Share the comment crack with this junkie! I need my fix!