Tuesday, October 14, 2008

SITS Blog-a-thon!!

A few months ago, I noticed a little leopard print logo on a new blog I'd just started reading. The blog was Deanna's Corner and somehow, I'd stumbled across her blog. After doing a little bit of research this morning, I realized this was the first post of hers I'd ever commented on, and my comment was a doozy!

The strange thing was, she came to my blog and commented on a few of my posts!! Whaaat? I reserved comments for things that were unbelieveable or amazing, but this lady gave her comments freely?? WOW! I went to her blog and commented on her posts and she returned to mine.

A few days later, I clicked on the little leopard print logo I saw on her blog that looked like this:

After visiting The Secret is in the Sauce a few times, and seeing it on other people's blogs, I finally figured out the secret of why Deanna was so generous in her comments!!

Soon, Deanna and I realized that we were sisters separated at birth! Okay, not really, but Deanna and I became SITSas through The Secret is in the Sauce.

Here are just a few of the people I've met through SITS.

So all of you that read my blog, but don't comment--leave me some commenty love so I can come leave some on yours! I'll even share my Secret!

p.s. *hint* It's in the sauce, my bloggy buddies.


  1. I can't believe your first comment on was fish chewing on feet. That is so classic!!

    It is no secret, I adore you my SITSta!

  2. Hi there. Thanks for coming by my blog and saying hello. My turn! I love your template with the ruled paper. Brings back memories!!!

    And I love the bacon with mayo idea you wrote.

  3. Commenty, commenty, commenty!

    Mmmm, bacon and mayo! With egg! On toast!

    Oh my word. I'm hungry.

  4. *mwah* Thanks for the shout-out, madame!

    You know that I totally am a Carrie wannabe, right? First you showed me the way with the favicon info, then I hunted around until finally (just a few days ago) I figured out how to make a kewl button for my blog just like your apple that my sidebar's been sporting!

    Oh, and I studied opera for a few years in my youth, too. Thing is, I'm not really an opera fan, I'm much more of a Broadway musical kinda girl. (Sad, but true. Never said I was classy! LOL)

    Cheers and happy Blogathon day!

  5. great post carrie....I might just ctrl C and ctrl v it onto mine ;) Changing the names of the bloggers of course.

  6. What a hilarious post, and your incredulous comment made the perfect punctuation for it - LOL!!

    (Incidentally, nobody touches my feet...ever. And I actually have pretty nice looking feet, if I do say so myself. I just don't like them touched. Uh oh, did I just blurt out too much info about myself?)

  7. Found you from Heather - does that chick get around, or what?!

    LOVE your button tutorial. I'm so going to do it.


  8. Great post :)

    Stoppin' by to wish you a happy blog-a-thon!

  9. Happy BLOGATHON day! YAY for SITS! I've seen your little button on a few people's site and now I found you! I'm going to go explore now!

  10. I think I may have linked to SITS from Deanna too. How funny.

    Happy SITS blogathon day. Hope you are having a fabulous one.

  11. Happy SITS day! I'm clickin all over the place. It's like mingling at a party!

  12. Newt to SITs and LOVE today's Blog-A-Thon!!!

    Going to check out your blog :)

  13. Just stopping by from SITS and wanted to say Hi.

  14. Saw you on Deanna's blog and thought I'd come say "hi." Heather and Aubrey are some fun, fun bloggers; I'm glad you like them too!

  15. Gee what a fun day with the SITS
    it's going to take awhile to visit everyone... but what a great way to see all these new blogs, Yours is really "cool"

  16. Hey,
    thanks for the comment.

    for my pictures I use Picasa from Google. I love that program, plus it is free, and I love free!

  17. Happy Bloggython Day, SITSta! How fun is this? Woo hoo!

  18. Happy SITS day! Hope you had a great one.

    Much Love

  19. Have No Fear WONDER WOMAN IS HERE.... or Wedgie woman, but what ever.

    Okay you need to make sure you have Picasa 3, its been updated. When you are in Picasa click the folder that you want to make a the collage from. I would suggest having a misc. folder for this purpose. Just throw all your pictures in there and get on picasa and find the folder. Select it on the left scrolling side. DON'T CLICK THE PICTURES, make sure it is the folder. Then down on the right hand side at the very bottom there will be a red collage button. Click that and it will start creating a collage. You can from there have some different choices as to how you make it look.

    Hope that helps. If you need more help let me know, I'll be glad to help.

  20. I'm feeling the bloggy love! This is so cute...and nice. But I'm still wondering what the heck you use tomato preserves for.

    And as you know I have a secret of my own. It will be revealed later today.

  21. I just found SITS yesterday. This is a cute blog!

  22. I am trying so hard to make the rounds to all the links yesterday! Thank you SO much for linking my blog. I adore your blog! I remember the first time I saw that sassy looking gal with the fierce haircut and great glasses! So glad I came over!!

  23. Still just making the rounds to say hi!


Come on! Share the comment crack with this junkie! I need my fix!