Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Honored...

One of my favorite SITSa's, Wep of Wep's Ruminations, gave me a sweet award last week.

To translate the award from Portuguese to English, it means, "This blog invests and believes in proximity." Meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' by proxy.

I have really enjoyed making friends through blogging the last few months. I may even get to meet a few of my new bloggy friends in a few months!!

Remember I said I was stingy giving awards? I'm just picking one for this award also, even though it says to give it to eight bloggers. Well, that just ain't how I roll.

My award goes to, brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb (that was a drumroll in case you couldn't tell) to Dr. Wifey! Wifey is funny, witty, honest, and a major Guitar Hero addict! I love reading your (ever-changing) blog!


  1. aawww! thank you so much. it is such an honor :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I really like oikology, am I really dumb if I don't know what that word is? Maybe you can drop by again and tell me...or I could google it?! Love the couch, love the onsie and will try the pb and jelly bars very soon!

  3. Well now I feel dumb for not seeing it at the TOP of your page! HAHA! So were you really an opera singer, that is just too cool for words.

  4. Tell me about it, one time (while prego) I put the telephone in the freezer and couldn't find it for 3 days! I am sure we could swap pregnant-brain stories! That should be a Mr. Linky topic sometime!

  5. Ok, I saw your comment on Conservative Belle's and you looked all "rockabilly" like me and I developed a total momcrush. ;)

  6. TOTALLY watched Saved! today. It was awesome. Added to my favorite movies of hers :) Thanks for the recommendation Carrie!


Come on! Share the comment crack with this junkie! I need my fix!