Friday, September 5, 2008

Guest Post at Little Window Shoppe

So for some odd reason, Emily from Little Window Shoppe, a tasteful and beautiful blog, asked me to do a guest post about my blueberry jam. I think maybe the marathon she just just ran dried out her brain and affected her judgment, but I'll take advantage of her just this once...

Little Window Shoppe
For those of you who haven't visited yet, you need to go see this site. It's like looking through a Pottery Barn catalogue! She has a blog, an area for DIY submissions, a "shoppetique," which sells adorable handmade items, an area where you can promote your sweet shoppes, and a place dedicated to window art.

I gave her full editing rights and she managed to de-trash my post and made me sound a little less crass! For those of you who are visiting me from LWS, I am occasionally (always) sarcastic and a bit odd, but you'll get used to it. Thanks for visiting!

Go see my post HERE!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your humor and writing... headed over to read your guest posting!

    I know someone famous!!


Come on! Share the comment crack with this junkie! I need my fix!