Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Baby Jesus Cheeto

I'm sitting with the midget eating lunch and enjoying some Cheddar Jalapeno Cheetos straight out of the bag. I was licking spicy cheesey goodness off my fingers when I spotted an odd shape inside the bag that looked like two little arms. I grabbed it out and couldn't believe it! I had found...

WOW! I am going to make a million bucks off this Cheetoh that looks like a tiny 8 lb. 6 oz. Baby Jesus! How much did that piece of toast with the Virgin Mary in it go for? Wasn't there a cornflake that looked like something? I need to research it tonight before I go to bed! People will flock to my house like Fatimah to see the BJC and pray for it's healing cheese-ness.


Ooops...Have I told you how much I love Cheddar Jalapeno Cheetos? Oh well, at least I won't have to worry about being in trouble for exploiting the Baby Jesus!


  1. It looks more like one of those babies you buy to put on top of the cupcakes! Mmmmmm... cupcakes!

  2. i love talledega nights...if that's how you spell it. anyway, i think you might have something here. you just never know.

  3. You had me cheeto's. Great now I need to go buy some.

    A fellow Sits sister!


  4. You're a riot!! Maybe you'll see the Elvis Cheeto next? Don't forget: don't eat Elvis! Look what happened to Priscilla...

  5. LOL!!!!!

    I hope it was worth it, eating the Baby Jesus Cheeto!


  6. sinful carrie..... down right sinful.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm thinkin' Jesus Fetus, but that's just me.


Come on! Share the comment crack with this junkie! I need my fix!