Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm Tweeting!!

It's all Conservative Belle's fault. And Deanna's too...

Now you can take a peek inside my head! Just click "follow me on twitter" to the right, and you can be bored with my life too! har har

Do you tweet? Let me know by leaving me a comment and I'll start following you too!

This may be bad. I hardly got any cleaning done before...


  1. OMG! Carie I found you. Can't believe it. This is Suzie Poppe (Boyer) from the good old class of '93 I love your blog it looks great and "the Midget" is such a little dolly. Glad to see you are doing great. Maybe I will get inspired to revisit my blogging atempt.

  2. Suzie B!!! Email me so I have your email address!! oikology101 at gmail dot com I have other stuff to share with you too!

  3. Maybe you can tweet about all the cleaning you are doing. LOL

  4. Don't you just LOVE it! Now we can kind of "chat" too!!! Fun! Fun! Fun!


Come on! Share the comment crack with this junkie! I need my fix!